Ropa Euro Maus 5 v1.2


Property me times the original Giants Holmer TerraFelis 2 made therefrom and a Ropa Euro Maus conjured 5 :)
Unfortunately, I can the logo on the steering wheel does not change: /.

Version 1.2
- Mehr Decals
- Felgenfarbe angepasst
- Logos angepasst

Speed: 45 Km / h
Price: € 325,000 purchase price / 35,750 Rent
Engine output: 354 hp
Tank Capacity: 1225 liter
Maintenance: 1.650 € per day.
(Did it not in multiplayer tested)
Have fun with it.
Please always use the original download link. Thank you.


Modell: Giants
Textur: Giants / DellwigerLTS

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