Fendt Farmer 300 with 2wd v1.0


Here is my Fendt 300 Farmer This pack contains 4wd and 2wd tractors With front loader Confi The 2wd has the same icon as the 4wd basic model from Giants Software.
Here is my Fendt 300 farmer
This pack contains 4wd and 2wd tractors
With Konfi front loader
The 2wd has the same icon as the 4wd not surprising
Basic model from Giants Software.


GurktalerBua Swissfarmer

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

wow what reshade you using cause that shit look fire

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

nice love the 2wd but just a note the drive shaft is still there on the 2wd and it doenst align on the 4wd

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