DayTimeMoney Hud v0.1 Beta


This mod extends / modifies the LS19 own DayTimeMoney Hud with the following additional information.
InGameDay / PlayDay / RealDay / RealTime + Color + Pos + Size and more
!Not all active!
What's up: realTime / inGameDay / playDay / realDay + Color + Size
... / LS19 / modsSettings / DayTimeMoneyHud / dayTimeMoneyHudSettings.xml

Color codes: Here value RGB is Interesting, you divide by 255
So for Green, 0.255.0, R = 0/255, G = 255/255, B = 0/255

No more and no less
In multiplayer and single player games.
And if you do not like it should not load it :-)

1. Publication only with original download link. NO replacement link
2. Altering and re-uploading is not permitted


Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser
Tester: HappyLooser
Sonstige: HappyLooser

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