Elmer's Haul Master v1.1


FR: Le grand transbordeur Elmer's Haul Master est ideal et pratique pour vos fermes américaines.
(modèle basé sur l'original du jeu)

EN: The large Elmer's Haul Master auger wagon is ideal and practical for your American farms.
(model based on the original of the game)

DE: Der große Elmer's Haul Master auger wagens ist ideal und praktisch für Ihre amerikanischen Farmen.
(Modell basierend auf dem Original des Spiels)

Modification of :
- the capacity
- the pipe deploys faster
- the increased discharge speed from 1000 L / s to 6000L / s

Characteristics :
- Price: 60,000 - 70,000 €
- Capacity: 80,000 - 100,000 L



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

But what is the real difference between this mod and the many, many others out there?

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Reply comment on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Hi the minimum capacity of 46000 to 80000 L and the unloading speed which changes from 1000 L s to 6000L s

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