EN: I once made an empty 4x map so I and others can get started.
DE: Ich habe einmal eine leere 4x-Karte erstellt, damit ich und andere loslegen können.
FR: Une fois, j'ai créé une carte 4x vide afin que d'autres personnes et moi-même puissions commencer.
PL: Kiedyś zrobiłem pustą mapę 4x, więc ja i inni możemy zacząć.
Authors: Ole22143, GIANTS Software

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

Does not work. Terrain was invisible in game.
Why can't we have animals on all these blank maps? I love to farm the fields all day but I love tending to my animals too. Looks like the 5 blank maps, "with no animals", that have come out will be the only one's for 2 years and even if they do, I'm sure, for some reason we won't have any animals anyway. I'll be playing FS 2017 tonite. I have a 2017 blank multifruit map with all the animals, and a few more I made and all have animals. I made about 5 FS 2015
Terrain is invisible
In my previous comment, it would let me only say so many things. I will not be playing FS 2019 whatsoever unless someone comes out with a blank map with all the animals too. It'd be nice if it was a 4X map. But I doubt any thing I said will ever happen.
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