FS19 KroneTX430 v1.0


Converted from FS17. 125k Bulk Capacity with Trailer attachment and Beacon optional.
Price: 87000
Dailyupkeep: 150
Brand: Krone
Category: augerWagons
Authors: GIANTS Software / Landei / SlimJim (FS19 Conversion)


GIANTS Software / Landei / SlimJim (FS19 Conversion)

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Commented on 2018-12-26 02:59:41

Anyone wanting unload pipe effect, change "pipe effect" in I3D file to the following. "find pipe effect, under shape, deselect (non rendering)". I had deactivated it for a last minute change, and missed reactivating it before upload. Merry Christmas, hope y'all enjoy.

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