Grudziadz 2.7m v1.0.0.0


Authors of the Model: Bartek90256
Authors: Bartek90256, Mr. Bartosz
Do not like it? Do not download.
Have you found any errors? I'm sorry for not.
Write about them and I will try to improve them in the next versions.
General fashion information:
- Width 2.7 meters
- Price 900
- 4.8 Mb scale
- A clean log
- Do not impersonate authors!



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Commented on 2018-12-26 21:09:35

"Do not like it? Do not download."
why are you being so defensive.

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Commented on 2018-12-26 21:14:19

i mean if someone doesn't like it they can just give you one star.
but they first have to download it and see if they like.

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