IH 5X88 Series v1.0.0.0


Well everyone, Its that time! 

IH 5X88 Series release!

As some of you saw I uploaded this to modhub but Im waiting for a response so I thought Id get this out to you earlier. 

This mod is error free and testrunner passed.

The only nitpicks about this I have is that I didnt model the cab all that good, its a little off size and some things arent right so Ill most likely revisit this in the future, I just need a break.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JCLFarming


JCL's Farm Equipment

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Commented on 2021-11-15 18:37:48

good work very good,Need wide tires front and back and some adjudsment of cabin outside like wider side vent.
Evertything else knowingly made tractor.THANKS.
International 1455xl was one of best mods in fs17 in fs19 bad can anyone make International D-family in good way.
Thanks greetings.

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