International 66 Series 2wd v1.0.0.0


Here is the first Version of the 66 Blackstripe Series

Credit to Original Authors - epicpryda1k, euroDZN were in the creidts and couldn't find the original link.

Updated: Credit to oldiron1214. 

UDIM and redid the Cab about 150,731 times and its still not where I want it. I'll be upgrading it for V2.

Singles, Duals, Wheel Weights, and LSW just for fun

Front Weight options

Stack options

Working on in cab animations for V2.

Enjoy and let us know if you have any errors!


epicpryda1k, euroDZN, WesternIowaModding

Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-10-21 02:09:26

version 0.6.2
buildDate 2020-11-23 05:22:26
timeOfExecution 2021-10-20 20:07:07
executionDuration 11.216 sec
testDataPath D:/Users/Admin/Downloads/FS19_IH66Series
gamePath C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 19
directory D:/Users/Admin/Desktop
format XML (autoOpenReport: False)
format HTML (autoOpenReport: True)
results (Testrun Outcome: FAIL)
Data Collector Results (outcome: FAIL, total: 6, failed: 2, succeeded: 4)
dataCollectorInfo (dataCollector: I3DCollector, successful: False)
parseerror Error while parsing D:/Users/Admin/Downloads/FS19_IH66Series/new/asd - Copy.i3d
parseerror Error while parsing D:/Users/Admin/Downloads/FS19_IH66Series/new/asd.i3d
parseerror Error while parsing D:/Users/Admin/Downloads/FS19_IH66Series/new/asd2.i3d
dataCollectorInfo (dataCollector: DDSCollector, successful: False)
texturefilesizewarning FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/Textures/ (filesize: 16.00 MB)
Module Results (outcome: FAIL, total: 10, failed: 6, succeeded: 4)
test group (name: DXTCheck, passed: False)
invalid compressions
Following texture files use a unsupported or deprecated compression format (Guideline Item 9.4)
allowed compressions: BC5S, BC5U, BC4U, DXT1, DXT5, DX10
invalid compression
file FS19_IH66Series/new/
uses DXT3
> export as DXT5 if alpha is required, DXT1 otherwise
invalid compression
file FS19_IH66Series/new/
uses DXT3
> export as DXT5 if alpha is required, DXT1 otherwise
invalid compression
file FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/
uses DXT3
> export as DXT5 if alpha is required, DXT1 otherwise
invalid compression
file FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/
uses DXT3
> export as DXT5 if alpha is required, DXT1 otherwise
wrong compressions
due to their usage these files should use a specific compression format
same file for shop and mod icon (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/
use two separate files: shopIcon with transparent background (DXT5), modIcon with opaque background (DXT1)
test group (name: MipMapCheck, passed: False)
missing mip maps
textures used for a 3D object and therefore require MipMaps to improve performance and visual quality
texture file missing mip maps
file FS19_IH66Series/new_shaders/
used as 3d texture FS19_IH66Series/caseIH1086_4WD.i3d
texture file missing mip maps
file FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/Textures/
used as 3d texture FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/FILE.i3d
test group (name: TextureCheck, passed: True)
no problems found
test group (name: I3DCheck, passed: False)
invalid file references
a referenced file either cannot be found/loaded or is located outside the mod
invalid file reference (i3d file: FS19_IH66Series/caseIH1086_4WD.i3d)
unresolvable Reference (path: ../../new_shaders/
light outside component
text light source located outside of a component
path D:/Users/Admin/Downloads/FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/FILE.i3d
light node (node: light, index: 8)
test group (name: ModDescCheck, passed: False)
invalid desc version
error descVersion '43' outside allowed range (Guideline Item 6.4)
min 53
max 53
text error
error version number '1.1' does not match schema 'a.b.c.d' (with 'a' at least 1) (Guideline Item 6.5)
mod icon resolution
error resolution of modIcon 'new/' has to be 256x256 pixels (is 512x512)
test group (name: VehicleCheck, passed: True)
no problems found
test group (name: SlotCheck, passed: True)
no problems found
slot usage 12 (storeItem: FS19_IH66Series/IH1086_4wd.xml)
test group (name: ObsoleteFiles, passed: False)
unused files
the following files seems to be unused/not referenced anywhere in the mod (Guideline Item 9.1)
ensure all parse errors are fixed before considering these errors
note that this list was automatically generated and might include files which are indeed used but were not detected properly
please report back any bugs / false positives, so we can improve on it
total memory usage 30.17 MB
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/, size: 1.33 MB)
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/, size: 1.33 MB)
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/, size: 1.33 MB)
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/, size: 5.33 MB)
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/, size: 1.33 MB)
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/, size: 384.00 B)
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new_shaders/, size: 6.50 MB)
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new_shaders/, size: 6.50 MB)
unused file (file: FS19_IH66Series/new_shaders/, size: 6.50 MB)
duplicate files
total wasted space 389.41 KB
The following files are duplicates, which means their contents are identical (Guideline Item 9.1)
It should be considered to remove all but one of these files and adjust the references in order save on (video-)memory
Be sure to adjust and check all references in xml and i3d files if you delete any files!
duplicate file set (md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, wasted memory: 0.00 B)
duplicate1 (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/asd - Copy.i3d)
duplicate2 (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/asd.i3d)
duplicate3 (file: FS19_IH66Series/new/asd2.i3d)
duplicate file set (md5: 88d92f06c50a298b6b2547a257bd3264, wasted memory: 47.92 KB)
duplicate1 (file: FS19_IH66Series/new_shaders/vehicleShader.xml)
duplicate2 (file: FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/new_shaders/vehicleShader.xml)
duplicate file set (md5: f80e315bc916585c022dcea99c0f0ad5, wasted memory: 341.48 KB)
duplicate1 (file: FS19_IH66Series/new_shaders/
referenced in FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/FILE.i3d
referenced in FS19_IH66Series/caseIH1086_4WD.i3d
duplicate2 (file: FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/new_shaders/
referenced in FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/FILE.i3d
basegame duplicates
total wasted space 3.34 MB
the following files are present in the basegame
consider removing them from the mod and using a $data reference to the file in the basegame instead
this helps to reduce the overall size of your mod so it can be downloaded faster and use less memory on the players systems
duplicate basegame file (md5: 2f4f88491189f735db789feb952767e9, wasted memory: 312.00 B)
duplicate file in testing data (file: FS19_IH66Series/new_shaders/
referenced in FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/FILE.i3d
referenced in FS19_IH66Series/caseIH1086_4WD.i3d
same file in basegame (file: $data/shared/
duplicate basegame file (md5: c03eabe384ecdbd4dd4c39b5ad6e2e8a, wasted memory: 1.48 KB)
duplicate file in testing data (file: FS19_IH66Series/new_shaders/
referenced in FS19_IH66Series/caseIH1086_4WD.i3d
same file in basegame (file: $data/shared/
duplicate basegame file (md5: 4e5d9c2e3e310e7c3eeca318de46d082, wasted memory: 2.67 MB)
duplicate file in testing data (file: FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/
referenced in FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/FILE.i3d
same file in basegame (file: $data/shared/wheels/michelin/axioBib/
duplicate basegame file (md5: 71750b7afafa91236e8315c478de4907, wasted memory: 682.80 KB)
duplicate file in testing data (file: FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/
referenced in FS19_IH66Series/Wheels/FILE.i3d
same file in basegame (file: $data/shared/wheels/michelin/axioBib/
test group (name: EditorCheck, passed: False)
editor Path C:/Program Files/GIANTS Software/GIANTS_Editor_8.2.2_64-bit/x64/editor.exe
faulty I3ds
faulty I3d
file FS19_IH66Series/caseIH1086_4WD.i3d
editor error Error: Can't load resource 'D:/Users/Admin/new_shaders/'.
test group (name: ShaderCheckEditor, passed: True)
no problems found
Editor Path C:/Program Files/GIANTS Software/GIANTS_Editor_8.2.2_64-bit/x64/editor.exe
This particular check is only relevant if you plan to release the mod on consoles.
If the mod is meant to be released on PC only, you can ignore the warnings.

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truth hurts
Reply comment on 2021-10-22 02:49:41

don't tell us about the errors here....try going to FB and the original modder

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Commented on 2021-10-21 03:43:56

Like the mod but can we get the 66 series with white stripe and with no cab please but otherwise good mod

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Reply comment on 2021-10-22 02:48:15

NO CAN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAKE IT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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