Animalcreek Multifruit v1.0.0.0


Converted Elmcreek Map
In the large yard are obstructed
-large cow barn with feeding robot(160 cows)
-large pigsty
-large sheep barn
-large horse barn
-large chicken coop
-Multisilo 2 million capacity
-straw and hay storage
-small shelter
- Bulk storage shed
-3 drive-through silos
-2 starting fields
Fields have been adjusted (enlarged,helper friendly,more fields)
126 Buyable areas (forests,meadows,fields)
Prices of land has been completely revised. This means a meadow area is e.b much cheaper than arable land.
Purchasable areas.
About feedback I would be very happy :D
ps: be merciful with me this is my very first mod^^
MFG S1m4l



Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-12-10 00:35:31

Error: Sound template 'DEFAULT_SURFACE_SNOW' was not found in sound.surface.material(8)
Warning: Filename not defined in 'sound.surface.material(8)'. Ignoring it!
Error: Sound template 'DEFAULT_SURFACE_WATER_MEDIUM' was not found in sound.surface.material(10)
Warning: Filename not defined in 'sound.surface.material(10)'. Ignoring it!
Error: Sound template 'DEFAULT_FOOTSTEP_WATER_MEDIUM' was not found in sound.surface.material(22)
Warning: Filename not defined in 'sound.surface.material(22)'. Ignoring it!
Error: Sound template 'DEFAULT_HOOFSTEP_WATER_MEDIUM' was not found in sound.surface.material(33)
Warning: Filename not defined in 'sound.surface.material(33)'. Ignoring it!
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'seederRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseRed' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseOrange' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'seederYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseYellow' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'seederLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseLime' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'seederGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseGreen' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseCyan' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'seederAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseAzure' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'seederBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseBlue' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'tractorViolet' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'seederViolet' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterViolet' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerViolet' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigViolet' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepViolet' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowViolet' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseViolet' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'plowMagenta' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'seederMagenta' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'waterTrailerMagenta' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'harvesterMagenta' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'trailerMagenta' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'pigMagenta' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'sheepMagenta' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'cowMagenta' is unknown.
Error: Collectible with name 'horseMagenta' is unknown.

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Commented on 2021-12-10 00:37:50

Looking forward to giving this a go. Looks much more my style than the original. Nice job!

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Commented on 2021-12-10 19:24:23


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