Claas Lexion Pack v1.2.0.0


If you want everything in your monitor to work, make sure you download the mods I mentioned; A kind brother helped me fix some bugs, but unfortunately I modified something and it had new bugs, but testing them on my computer did not affect the game. I tried to do something new with Blender, but my computer was overwhelmed and it couldn't even load a model. So I had to get i3d files from other mods. You can see that a lot of parts are wrong in color, but my old computer really can't render them, I hope you will forgive me. Also, I would appreciate it if someone could help perfect them. This may be the last time I've updated it, school is about to start, and maybe I won't have time to improve the mod this year. This is a bit sad to say, after all, this mod still has too many shortcomings to improve. Hopefully, people with the ability can continue to update for it. Have a good time, forgive some mistakes in the mod, I tried my best.

For a better game experiencethe you'd better add following mods:

FS22_Interactive Control     







PlaneJelly HJL

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Commented on 2023-08-27 20:19:17

put the Caterpillar logo instead of snow logo, your version looks better every time. Many motions on all pulley. Love it

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Commented on 2023-11-28 22:02:57

The author added a camera system to Lexion, best regards and I'm waiting for the update.

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