Dirt Sorter - Stone production v1.0


Use with "TerraFarm" mod.
Since dirt can not be sold on most of the maps and digging up stone fill type with "TerraFarm" brings you way too much money I decided to convert this mod. The idea is to dig up large amounts of dirt with "TerraFarm" and sort stones out of it, then sell for profit. To make it more realistic you get 200l of stone per 1000l of dirt. 


Original by Giants & FLusty94
Modded by Moosey

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Commented on 2022-01-05 09:48:37

you only get about 20l of stone per 1000l or dirt anywhere that a farmer would actually farm, largely the huge amount of stones that farmers deal with are on fields where it was either dumped then covered to use as grazing land or where bad chemical erosion from the acid rain era occured

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Reply comment on 2022-01-05 16:57:02

I agree, but as I mentioned this is made to play with "TerraFarm" mod. It's a mining mod where you can dig anywhere on the map. There is only 2 fill types available for now, dirt and stone. 1 scoop with an excavator and you get 8k liters of stone, a bit too profitable. Dirt on the other hand can't be sold directly since most of the maps don't support the fill type. Again we have to think about gameplay mechanics, if I set 20l of stone per 1000l of dirt, it would be realistic. But than it's too much work for a very small profit. Realism and fun gameplay don't always come together. :) Also it is very easy to change the ratio. Open up the xml and find this line "" Change the 200 to whatever amount you want.

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Reply comment on 2022-01-05 16:59:11

This line
(output fillType="STONE" amount="200")
Forum did not like the special symbols. :D

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