Hitch Plate v1.0.0.0


Release FS22 Hitch Plate

Shout out to Scott Magnus for the mod idea

I want to thank you all for the likes that I have received on my page so far so in return here is a custom plate that attaches to the back of your tractor that adds the ability to have every attacher type available which makes it great for moving stuff around the yard, the plate also has the option to add foldable bale forks, the plate is height adjustable by using the same controls as a loader (left mouse), you can also adjust the trailer attachment point with the opposite loader controls (right mouse)

The mod is error free, if you have any problems or future mod suggestions let me know



ECME Modding

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Commented on 2023-03-12 22:48:33

Shout Out to your mums tits.

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Commented on 2023-03-13 04:38:32

Una herramienta magnifica simplifica mucho el trabajo Mod recomendado (codigo ..........) los de mi comunidad ya sabéis como ver el código invisible

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