Kögel Trailer AUTOLOAD v1.0.0.0


The large loading area can hold a maximum of the following loads (Autoload version 1.8)

- 22 liquid tanks

- 24 pallets of big bags

- 45 big bags

- 78 euro pallets in normal

- 60 large size euro pallets

- 6 round bales of cotton

- 30 180 round bales

- 48 150 round bales or 240 square bales

- 56,220 square bales

- 64,180 square bales

- 390 120 square bales

- 72 125 round bales


Lostgamer, Achimobil.

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Commented on 2023-11-14 18:57:09

no carga fardos

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