Mahindra 86 110 v1.1.0.0


Mahindra 86 110

- Added New No Cab version
- Version without cabin compatible with the Kubota DLC ( Passenger )
- Added New varied wheels options
- Added mirror animation
- Added New design color and wheel combinations (gray with orange and purple with black)
- Added flags of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, USA, Germany, France and Argentina
- Improved the internal camera viewing angle
- Added new design options
- Added Rear Whistle option
- Added Giroflex option.

- Mahindra 86 110 P Cabined:
- Power: 110 HP
- Price: 25000 $
- Speed limit: 43 kph
- Rim Color Options
- Main color options
- Wheel Settings
- Design Settings
- Animated doors

- Mahindra 86 110 P Hood
- Power: 110 HP
- Price: 20000 $
- Speed limit: 43 kph
- Rim Color Options
- Main color options
- Wheel Settings
- Design Settings



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