Varifeed 28ft as a Claas & New Holland cutting unit with configurable rapeseed table and stalk dividers
Here is my Varifeed 28ft with Claas & New Holland paintwork. This is the Terra cutting unit from the main game, which I modded.
What's new?
-Claas skin,
-You can switch between the rapeseed table and stalk dividers in the shop,
-Stalk dividers can be folded up and down,
-Transport protection on the rapeseed knives can be attached and removed,
-Mouse control to move the rapeseed table forwards and backwards,
-The DjB decal can be changed in the shop. (The modzip contains a personalized .dds that you can change),
It's not 100% perfect but if you have something to complain about, you don't need to use it, log throws, as far as we know, no errors.
Have fun with it.

1 Downloads in
1 month ago

This file storeItem xmlFilename="terraFlex3020.xml does't exist it's not in mod game
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