Comments by FARMER0815

2 years ago

<p>thats no beta anymore - thats first release</p><br /> <br /> <p>with next release you will need a new savegame - but thats fault of giants because implemented revisionsystem still not working co...

2 years ago

<p>that's a fake release - reworked by someone who has no knowledge of modding and also no knowledge about map and used scripts.<br /> This linked release don't work correctly and has a lot of trou...

<p>Information:<br /> under -&gt; FAQ you will also find translation files and UpdateNotes in french and spain.</p>

<p>Im Forum unter kann Dir geholfen werden. In den dort vorhandenen FAQ sowie Tutorials sind viele Lösungen zu finden - und auch im Forum kann Dir mit Hilfe der Log geholfen ...

<p>how you come on 30 australian dollar???<br /> you can take a one month ticket for € 5 - arround 7,5 australian Dollar.</p><br /> <br /> <p>Don't talk bullshit - it's your free desicion either to...

<p>sur la carte de Coco, presque tout est volé sur d'autres cartes et mods.</p><br /> <br /> <p>En plus des animaux, une grande partie des productions a été volée au seul LSFM. Mais aussi beaucoup ...