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aight i have no idea how this mod would get this many downloads not every fs player has cash but now im thinking about it ofc this was a scummy thing to do and all he did was add a few extra wheel ...

a duh cussing is pretty chill when it's calling out A scumy action.

y'know maybe it's the entire conmunity firghting about ''sTrAiGhT fIelDs'' wtf do you expect from nebraska bud screw it half of the us

2 years ago

uh icant tell if all the great coments are satire or not but i bet it's stolen.

jesus christ you do know Why expedables exist right?. For fun they make good mods and you're salty about shut up and stick to You're ' ' Useful ' ' pack of decoration barels

what in the red neck tarnation.