H&S Bale Wagon


I bring you the most wanted brand in farming simulator 2013  for the first time
This allows you to carry bales from the field to your farm. To load the bales onto the trailer, you will need a front loader to load this trailer.
This trailer will  hold sheep wool pallets. The trailer has a 20 ton running gear under it that's why it cost so much.
It's 30 ft long by 8ft wide, there is no collision on the front end to keep bales on it.  
Store price:$8500 upkeep: $45/day


farmerboy69 model texture ingaming it
sivy AO texture cleaning up the model testing fine tuning
my testers
doc Elyoc sivy mike lowery show me dirt mike31
Geri-G objectAttacherJBT
SetBaleAttachEvent.lua ?
If i forgot any one let me know ill add you in

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Commented on 2014-03-26 17:08:16

remove my mod off this site now my name is in the model thatz now i know its mine

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