Hello LS gamblers,
hereby I upload with plenty of lateness the version 1.1 after the beta. There is a lot happening.
V1.1: - Trigger for straw bales, animal sale & Woller sale.
- BGA replaced and also works
- Interim storage hall in the yard with dock tubes provided. also still the plan changed and Fruit. been functional for loading shovel. Capacity 40,000 L per fruit.
- Seed -u. Added fertilizers sites and tank farms on the chicken and the BGA
- Cattle -. Pig u added and functional (See built-scripts)
- Workshop integrated (decoration)
- Additional access at the Getreideannhamestelle
Replaced the Old Sheepfold -
- Map of unnecessary files to free 150 mb in the unpacked
Just open the gallery and see photos
- Growth times have been extended: "24 types of fruit per phase"
"Grass 12h per phase"
- And much more
built-in scripts: BETA Version: Watermod
Sunflower (additional fruit)
Version 1.1: Pigs -u. Cattle
Sunflower was removed due to error
Mods you need:
- MapDoorTrigger (http://www.modhoster.de/mods/mapdoortrigger - 10)
My recommendation: - Invites you to Fast Time Forward mod also down if you takes too long with the growth of plants;)
Important: -. The accompanying sound files "Windmill" u "churchbell01" please copy in the LS13 folder.
Credits: thanks to Jauch Paule, xXMalleXx, Marhu and of course all other modders for their Obkjekte and scripts :)
Then have fun on the Map and worries and needs to contact me via PM ...
Thank you!
This map must not be uploaded again or in an altered form without my permission.

1 Downloads in
10 years ago

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