This is something I just slaped together for myself, But I thought I would share it for those still playing FS15.
The map is NOT FINISHED but is playable the way it is. If you want to make changes to or finsh the map feel free to do so.
It's nothing real fancy just a plain simple map. I use a lot of placeables like the transfer station for the BGA. There are no fields so
if you want fields you will have to plough them yourself or place them in the map with Giants editor. All the stuff I did not use is still in the northeast corner of the map if you chose to edit the map? I'll post some photo's as to where stuff gets dumped. Have fun....

1 Downloads in
3 years ago

My Bad, I forgot to move the egg sell trigger. Simple fix just open the map in G.E. and move the trigger to where ever you want? save and re-zip map put back in your mods folder. And you can also dump manure at the BGA...
My Bad, I forgot to move the egg sell trigger. Simple fix just open the map in G.E. and move the trigger to where ever you want? save and re-zip map put back in your mods folder. And you can also dump manure at the BGA... It's along walk but you can walk over to the egg sell trigger in the northeast corner of the map...
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