Welcome to every LS Fan!
I'd like to provide some guidence for my map.
It based on my imagination, but points to the hungarian farming enviroment.
The map has a central yard, 3 villages, BGA, wood cutting yard, garden center, compost yard, lot of sell points, and includes pigs and beefs too.
You can plant and harvest sunflower too.
Workings mods on map : multi terrain, water mod, chopped straw, GMK mod, AnimationMapTrigger.
The attached .PDF gives you more detailed information with pictures too.
Big thanks for modders:
AnimationMapTrigger: Xentro
ChoppedStraw: webalizer
WaterMod,Misch Station,Schweine Mast,WoolPaletteCollect,AllInOneSilo:Marhu
GuelleMistMod : TMT (Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan) RC-Devil
AdditionalFruitTypes: JakobT+upsidedown +Eribus
Manual Barrier,Animated Clock: Blacky BPG
Kompost + 4 Dünger Mod: RC-Devil
CompostMaster: Farmer_Andy
Textures: Eribus ,El Cid,Zefir
Multi terrain: Petorious
Thanks too: Koffy87,Barnee,Rush,Balu,és gamerhzs-nak.
Thanks for response and testing: mj111,Charge,LS JiraCz and my friend Tom.
Thanks to Killercrock88 for great video!
Last but not least thanks for the „mind-blowing” , translation and the usefull tips: n0tr3adY
Question and support via e-mail : [email protected] or Facebook:
Have Fun!
Necessary mods:
MultiFruit Mod
- 3 Downloads in
9 years ago
Good work of Csamassa, an excelent modder! amazing! I recommend you!! Download it!
Nice and very well sculpted onto a map, but I do not open neither the door. Still, I give 5 stars for the very good work.
very good map, but i can't open the doors and the gates. how should i do?
can't open the doors and the gates. how should i do?
I probably shouldn't do here on the website, but can handle. Download map Kujawska Poland Map v1.1, expand, and fit into the mods. The map contains a file which the door opens. so then on this map works too.
downloaded ok unpacked shows in game but wont start ?
sorted mod conflict fine now
the door opent whit the o not the zero.
Very nice map,but the beef and pig fattening does not seem to be working.I have it working on other maps with no problem.
to open the doors then you animatiomaptrigger v1.0.2 Download this
wow, what a map! been playing it 4 hours and still don't know my way around! love it! lotta work went into this, and it's hard to use courseplay for sure! the irregular fields are a major chore... what lurks beyond the next field.... thanks! ~B~
pour video
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