New Holland TC490 v1.0


As I told you, on the occasion of 20 000 likes on my Facebook fanpage, I'm releaseing my New Holland TC4.90 combine harvester for Farming Simulator 15 and 2013.
Mod features:
- new lights and beacon lights
- interior lights
- foldable grain tank and ladder
- working chopper
- opening doors
- rotating rotor
- improved textures

Cutting width: 18 ft, Grain tank capaticy: 6 500 liters

My only request for you is to keep free link, because I've never monetized any mod and every machine which I released is designed with you in my mind.
If you'll find any errors please contact me on PM or on e-mail: [email protected]
Have a nice play!



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Commented on 2016-06-17 23:04:11

Glad you feel like a lot of other people and believe it's wrong to make money off of Giants, thanks for sharing this awesome free mod...

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Commented on 2016-06-18 02:32:42

it's more than just about money, it's about the fact that once a 3d model enters the Giants Editor program it's in the fine print it from then on belongs to Giants. so these asshats with private mods really have no right to keep them to themselves. also any mod you get that has Giants removed from the credits and copyright needs to add that back in. i do to each and every mod i use as i've seen mods that have Giants copyright removed.

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Commented on 2016-06-18 02:47:18

I totally agree, I do the same and those that add their so called fake copyright and remove Giants from the xmls, in case you didn't realize it not only is it illegal to sell access to mods but it's also illegal to remove the copyright holder's name from the files...

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Commented on 2016-06-18 03:00:06

@Guest you said "so these asshats with private mods really have no right to keep them to themselves." People who make mods, put hours and hours into them HAVE ALL THE RIGHT TO KEEP THEM PRIVATE! They cannot sell them, but can keep them private all they want. their is NOTHING in the GE ToS about keeping private mods. You'd know this if you where not a total retard. Too many self entitled littly cry babies out there.

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Commented on 2016-06-22 00:27:39

You already said the same exact thing on multiple mods!

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