Paradise Farms v1.1


EN (Original): I fixed the placeable issue. Adjusted the train mill station dump. Removed the invisible water between field 11 and 12. I also corrected the the issue with the windrows. The main farm is now empty so you can build to your liking.
DE: Ich habe das plazierbare Problem behoben. Die Müllkippe der Zugmühle wurde angepasst. Das unsichtbare Wasser wurde zwischen Feld 11 und 12 entfernt. Das Problem mit den Schwaden wurde ebenfalls korrigiert. Die Hauptfarm ist jetzt leer, sodass Sie nach Belieben bauen können.
FR: J'ai résolu le problème placable. Ajustement de la décharge de la station de train. Suppression de l'eau invisible entre les champs 11 et 12. J'ai également corrigé le problème avec les andains. La ferme principale est maintenant vide afin que vous puissiez construire à votre guise.
PL: Naprawiłem problematyczny problem. Skorygowano zrzut stacji młyna pociągu. Usunięto niewidoczną wodę między polami 11 i 12. Poprawiłem również problem z pokosami. Główna farma jest teraz pusta, więc możesz budować według swoich upodobań.



Similar modifications

Commented on 2018-12-02 02:29:18

Great job, thanks for the update. look forward to see more of your maps!

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Commented on 2018-12-02 02:37:14

Works great thanks

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Commented on 2018-12-02 03:35:15

thanks mate ..

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Commented on 2018-12-02 04:17:02

Just curious. What is floating in the air on the South West side of field 15?

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Commented on 2018-12-02 05:42:23

put it back on mod hub

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Commented on 2018-12-02 05:53:55

Fast, and a nice map! 5 stars for the speed of updates alone lol

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Commented on 2018-12-02 06:13:30

I seen the floating objects just a few minutes ago. I've already removed them and will unload the new version tomorrow morning if you guys want me to. I also edited some land terrain and made some more buyable land. If anyone puts this map on a server then please let me know. I'd like to join

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Commented on 2018-12-02 06:37:08

in multiple player his would be super me I love the maps but on a server not working
multiple player?

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Commented on 2018-12-02 07:58:56

how come im having issues like I tried it on this map also where if I would place down the sell trigger for the shop and go in game it wont work nothing pops up fs17 I never had issues wish somebody could make a video of what ur sposed to do with any prefabs

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Commented on 2018-12-02 09:51:18

This is a great map am playing previous version would like to have updated version, but I have been bit to many times by other websites so will only download from modhub. Please add modhub. I am 70 and computer

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Commented on 2018-12-02 11:43:49

where are the water fill triggers?
And I cannot sell vehicles at the vehicle sell trigger....

Obtw great map. Thx....

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Commented on 2018-12-02 12:58:48

I would gladly put it on modhub if i could figure out there uplopad. I have tried several times with no luck. Sorry i'm new to modding

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Commented on 2018-12-02 15:10:03

@ TINMAN: Try the big green button top right - says "Add Modification"

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Commented on 2018-12-02 15:40:41

I have and i fill out everything. Its in a 7zip file so i know that's not the issue. .I just finished the final version and i'm fixing to try again I moved the barn sell and changed the terrain a little. I also removed the floating objects that i somehow I checked the vehicle sell point and it worked fine for me. I will update if anyone finds any issues but i'm starting a regular size map for single players. Thanks for all the support

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Commented on 2018-12-02 18:06:24

good map. only issue I have is not all the area is buyable.

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Commented on 2018-12-02 18:41:31

great map tin man like the open farm but plz put shop closer to the farm

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Commented on 2018-12-02 20:37:34

Cannot get this map to load on my dedicated server is shooting errors in a lua file;
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
2018-12-02 13:28 dataS/scripts/farms/AccessHandler.lua(97) : attempt to index local 'farm' (a nil value)

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Commented on 2018-12-03 23:55:18

Please download version

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