New City v1.0.0.0


Map with standard fruits and other fruits (cabbage redCabbage millet sorghum onion carrot lettuce rye rice clover). No log errors other than normal (bush01). New fruits can not be unloaded on the ground because my map01_densityMapHeightTypes does not load the files because I did not know what format to save (diffuse, normal and distance for new fruits) maybe someone knows and can fix them
with standard fruits and other fruits (cabbage redCabbage millet sorghum onion carrot lettuce rye rice clover). No log errors other than normal (bush01). New fruits can not be unloaded on the ground because my map01_densityMapHeightTypes does not load the files because I did not know what format to save (diffuse, normal and distance for new fruits) maybe someone knows and can fix them Hork in progress.with standard fruits and other fruits (cabbage redCabbage millet sorghum onion carrot lettuce rye rice clover). No log errors other than normal (bush01). New fruits can not be unloaded on the ground because my map01_densityMapHeightTypes does not load the files because I did not know what format to save (diffuse, normal and distance for new fruits) maybe someone knows and can fix them.Hork in progress
Map with standard fruits and other fruits (cabbage redCabbage millet sorghum onion carrot lettuce rye rice clover). No log errors other than normal (bush01). New fruits can not be unloaded on the ground because my map01_densityMapHeightTypes does not load the files because I did not know what format to save (diffuse, normal and distance for new fruits) maybe someone knows and can fix them.

Map with standard fruits and other fruits (cabbage redCabbage millet sorghum onion carrot lettuce rye rice clover). No log errors other than normal (bush01). New fruits can not be unloaded on the ground because my map01_densityMapHeightTypes does not load the files because I did not know what format to save (diffuse, normal and distance for new fruits) maybe someone knows and can fix them

with standard fruits and other fruits (cabbage redCabbage millet sorghum onion carrot lettuce rye rice clover). No log errors other than normal (bush01). New fruits can not be unloaded on the ground because my map01_densityMapHeightTypes does not load the files because I did not know what format to save (diffuse, normal and distance for new fruits) maybe someone knows and can fix them



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

map avec de l idee mes non fini

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

I have made this map since FS 19 appeared and since then I was thinking about putting it on the site or not because of people like you who say it's their id (FIFI). Make your map and then put on the net for others to comment.Motherfucker.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

why the anger ION????? you upload a map thats not finished????? why????? in a hurry for what???? finish the map then no one leaves bad comments right??? not that hard to do dude

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

I know the map is not finished i am angry about the person how he says that it is his idea(FIFI) not about comment i forgot to say work in progress and i put the map for help maybe somebody help me to make possible unloading on the ground.I don t know to work with programs like adobe photoshop or other for textures

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Проще всего обосрать чужую работу! Ты сам сделай что нибудь.Карта нормальная ,просто в названии стоило добавить BETA.

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