Felsbrunn Pivot Mode v0.07 Beta


In this modification of one of the original maps all the fields have been modified and including irrigation pivots, the function of the pivots is to fertilize and boil.
Requires the following mods:
Manure System (to fill the pivots)
GlobalCompany and GlobalCompany Addon - DisableTurnOffMotor (so that the pivots do not stop) Also we must have the automatic start of vehicles deactivated.
The trees with the "X" key start the tour and with the "B" key they pour the product.
If you want to know more about how the pivots work, there are videos on my youtube channel.


Hispano Modding / Giants

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Kann mal jemand ein Video machen wie man die Düngeranlagen bedient ? Ich bekomme das nicht hin.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

....mit dem schlauchsystem von wopster befüllen und in den einstellungen helfer automatisch tanken aktivieren . Weil die haben nur 1 Liter sprit

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