Tannenwalden Map v1.0.0.0


DE: Dies ist das kleine Tannenwalden in der Beta es sind noch keine verkaufspunkte verbaut und updates werden folgen über feedback würde ich mich freuen Es hat bisher 4 Felder und 1 wald +2 wiesen viel spaß auf der mini map.
EN: This is the little Tannenwalden in beta there are no points of sale and updates will follow on feedback I would be happy It has so far 4 fields and 1 forest +2 had much fun on the mini map.
FR: C’est le petit Tannenwalden en version bêta, il n’ya pas de points de vente et des mises à jour suivront. Je serais heureux. Il a jusqu’à présent 4 champs et 1 forêt +2 qui s’est beaucoup amusés sur la mini carte.



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

it kickes me off when i try to start the map

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

map loads and works fine. I noticed you commented that same on another map. Gots to be on your end

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Yeah its like there are 100 versions to the game. Some mods work for some people that dont work for others. Or people experience problems with a mod others dont have. I have that problem all the time. Even remove all the mods I have in my folder and still cant get some stuff to work even though it works for others.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

@Terry who said "map loads and works fine". BS. The map does NOT work fine. There are ZERO sell points, the animal dealer icon places you under a mountain but no building is there, the PDA doesn't match the outlay of the map, the list of problems goes on. So how do you claim the map works fine? I bet you didn't even download it, bastard!

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

You're right, I did say the map loads and works fine what I meant is, the map loads and works as a map with absolutly no playability because it's small as fuck, and would only be a test map for equipment if even that, but didn't say that because the map maker took his free time to make something for free, and I'm sure he knows how small it is and what was left out. So why don't you go cry to other peoples mods and see how for that gets you @origin

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

My point is 'Terry' (probably another alias because they're paranoid someone may figure out who they are) said works fine. Without any sale points it doesn't work fine, bonehead. If you could be honest for once people would be able to read your comments and know not to bother downloading it. Most likely the maker of the map started this one, can't figure out how to fix it, and left it for someone else to finish. But they need to put that in the description when they upload it.

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