Welcome to "USA Legend"
Version 1.0
- Additions of mod Season
- Modification of the farm area
- Modification of the separation of the roads (withdrawal of the separation pads)
- Various bug fixes and additions
- Additions of mod Season
- Modification of the farm area
- Modification of the separation of the roads (withdrawal of the separation pads)
- Various bug fixes and additions
This map is not based on an existing region.
Loving large expanses and fields of all sizes, I decided to create a map that would suit me to play.
After several months of realization, I propose you this card of size 4X and allowing you to cultivate in a universe "USA"
This map is currently under development!
To learn more, read the Readme in the folder.
I wish you a good game and I hope you have a good time on this map.

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

Great Map have played it before but one prob I have found is that you can Only place one object down after that all other objects want to go to the same spot
enlever global company et utiliser "place anywhere" et on peut placer ce que l'on veut.J'ai juste un souci avec le silo "dryer" où je ne peux pas décharger,mais comme j'avais le même problème sur une autre map,je pense qu'il y a un truc.Si quelqu'un peut m'expliquer,merci d'avance
Farming Simulator 19 - B.O.B. Looksee By Train - USA Legend - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czn8k23HWYs
Have removed all Global mods and using Place anywhere mod but still the same problem still unable to place more than 1 item.
cant play can only place one placeable very nice map have played it before but can't in its current state
I like this maps layout and should have a lot of promise. I did run into several problems however..... You can not unload products at your farm silo, can not unload straw, when you try to place an item, they all want to go in the same place. Otherwise, I do like the map.
ganz einfach Karte Löschen
Great Map just does not work at the Moment Look forward to the Update
El mapa está bien es apetecible pero no se puede vender algunas cosas como la casa y no se puede comprar nada de maquinaria ni silos nada de nada.
Los mapas incompletos hacen perder las ganas de tenerlos. terminalo y luego lo subes pero sin funcionalidad total mal asunto
this is a great map and Im not having any issues with buildings or silos. I have a ton of global mods and the place anywhere and all is working.
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