Second and last version of Wysokie Brodno in FS19.
A lot of things caught by the players could be improved, but probably some details remain somewhere.
I am not responsible for inept attempts to transfer the save to the new version of the map;)

In version 2.0:
- Improved map lighting
- New distribution of soil types (from scratch)
- Clover hay
- The possibility of making silage from clover and alfalfa
- Standard silos for additional crops
- Standard silage silos (small), one for grass, chaff, alfalfa, clover and their hay (clover silage is made) and one only for alfalfa and its hay (alfalfa silage is made)
- Triticale can now be sprinkled on the ground
- Poles energy collisions already have a collision
- New colors of the grass base (the same as for painting)
- Improved the texture of the gates in static garages
- Enlarged the trigger to enter the store
- The shelter in the collection of Agrii Polska
- The texture of the grass has been changed

Fictional map "High Brodno" 4X in European style. Suitable for small, medium and large machines.

- Three farms;

- 248 different fields from 0.1 ha to approx. 18 hectares;

- 251 farmland;

- Soil 360 degrees;

- Large modern farm for breeding pigs and cows;

- A small farm focused on breeding horses and sheep, with a small number of buildings so that machines can be kept in the open, which can still be found on many Polish farms today;

- 5 flat meadows for building a farm from scratch (marked on PDA PB1 - PB5) 3 large and 2 smaller;

- Compatible with Seasons, MaizePlus, DLC Precision Farming, Straw Harvest;

- Additional crops: millet, rye, triticale, alfalfa, clover;

- Very varied terrain (high access roads, fields with certain heights, some are even exaggerated, etc.);

- 13 points of sale;

- There are forests. Not all of them can be bought so as not to spoil the landscape too much;

- Prepared for animal husbandry;

- Clean log;

- Funny Easter eggs;

- Traffic travels 50 km / h in the countryside and 30 km / h in villages and at intersections;

- Good optimization;

- Stable, pigsty and BGA interact with Wopster's ManureSystem in a simplified way (no animated valves and other nonsense);

- Trees like Alpine.


Szarpi, ThatReider

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