Road maintenance pack for the fs22 v1.0.0.0


Please unzip this file.
I hope you like the mods I create,
This is my company in ls22 It's called Bauhof-Mattis,
There will be updates in the future and I will not create any more mods,
This mod must not be umgmodet thank you.
Sharing is welcome, but please with the original link


Ersteller Baustellengigant-moding

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Commented on 2023-04-23 15:39:18

This is my mod who gave you permission to edit and publish it

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Commented on 2023-04-27 12:49:39

This is not your mod but he created it himself. I tested the two mods and they don't match yours. So you can't blame others who created something like this yourself. I have to say they also have mods that belong to others. I think the pack is cool and can only recommend it thanks to the moder who owns this mod.

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