Silo Neuero Multifruit Pack/hayloft v1.0.0.0


Silos Price: NL16-22 - 2000 198,000 €      hayloft(hay and straw)

Silos Price: NL16-22 - 6000 503.000 €

Silos Price: NL16-22 - 16000 1,245,000 €

Capacity: NL16-22 - 2000 2.000.000 Liters  hayloft(hay and straw)

Capacity: NL16-22 - 6000 6,000,000 Liters

Capacity: NL16-22 - 16000 16,000,000 Liters

Maintenance: €50/day


raulycristi1 [VSR Modding Sur)
hayloft script DutchEagleModdig

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