Comments by 3verLand

3 years ago

<p>On top of that, I've visited several countries, and I have yet to see a silver or gray wind turbine, they are all White. Mostly I suspect for higher visibility.</p>

<p>Exactly, all those photos, and not a single PDA showing a overview (top down) of the map. Unless there is really something interesting in one of the author's photos, I won't even bother to downl...

<p>I could not get to even trigger on Krampe trailer, I was not able to unload my grain anywhere. I wish people would start testing their work before release!<br>If its trailer that holds crops / ...

3 years ago

<p>Good job, now maybe you could do everyone a favor, and fix the Peecon overloader for 595 Holmer that someone released, but the the auger does not work (no trigger), so it can't unload any grain....

<p>Hate tinted windows, first time you try to work at night, you can't see anything. Come on its a game, the sun isn't even a factor, and in any FS, I've never been blinded my daylight coming throu...

3 years ago

<p>I guess this needs further explanation, nothing in any menu by my cow or sheep barns/troughs. I see NO options showing anywhere that starts construction? ? ?</p>