Comments by 3verLand

<p>Nice work! When you get time do you think you could add some night work lights to this trailer, please.</p>

3 years ago

<p>Do you have your wires crossed ? ? ?<br><br>Th mod is nothing like the pictures displayed.</p>

<p>Hope this is an improvement, half the tanks wouldn't trigger on simple things, pallets, fuel at gas station. I cant believe this by the same mod group that that gave us kotteUniversalPack.<br>I ...

<p>And while you're fixing the lights, Please add rear work lights, no farm truck should be without them!</p>

3 years ago

<p>On our farm we keep are equipment washed and in good shape, along with maintaining our buildings.<br>Please use some new textures, and Loose the Rust!</p>

<p>Agreed, I like to see more than 10% fuel being produced, but pig food should not be a by-product, its should be slurry or something similar, like liquid fertilizer. I have zero use for pig food....