Comments by BigRichMod

3 years ago

<p>this mod is junk - what looks good in photos is for download count. STOLEN - FRAUD - DEN OF THIEVES - IS ALL THIS SITE HAS TO OFFER - EAT SHIT AND DIE THIEVES </p>

<p>ah-ok.. Dyna 123 does talk, and i suspected were Russian and not a bot. and name? is useless as taste buds on an asshole.</p>

3 years ago

<p>Onions are great on Sandwiches, Burgers, Chilly Dogs, Pizza, in Chilly</p>

3 years ago

<p>hahaha - inspector of knotty pine. Tests results are in..and you ARE NOT as right as you claim to be Dr Sickmind Fraud. it is true- water seems to fill both manure &amp; water areas. but- you kn...