Comments by Blaine

3 years ago

<p>Any plans for a Seasons GEO? If not, what would you suggest?</p>

3 years ago

<p>What's it for? Why should I buy it?</p>

<p>There are Army, Navy, Air Force Flags but NO Marine Corps or Coast Guard Flags. Could we get them, too? At least a USMC Flag?</p>

<p>USMC flag please? Pretty please?</p>

3 years ago

<p>My Bad! Didn't look at the rear end. I was really hoping it was an Animal Hauler that would haul 100s of animals at one time. Saw one once, but can't find it. The modeler who made it was tired o...

3 years ago

<p>Farmer Cole, I am aware that maps are very hard to make, but we who play them expect them to work. Most, nearly all, do. This one has issues. Was released too early. Has been pulled to fix error...