Comments by FarmersBoy32

<p>Sorry, map just updated on Modhub and fixed already! That was a fast fix! Thank you!</p>

<p>Very nice map! Apart from selling the house, is there a way to stop the smoke from the chimney coming out in square blocks? Otherwise it's excellent. 10/10 Thanks for sharing.</p>

<p>Total rubbish! </p><br /> <br /> <p>Don't bother downloading until someone with scripting skill can fix it!</p>

2 years ago

<p>Got mine from Papa Smurf Modding site! Simple and very fast D/L! Nice map! Thanks!</p>

<p>@Name: Not found too many uses in farming, but it's very handy on TP maps! For example, getting you on the roof of the demolishable house, so you can cut through the frames and beams with your c...

2 years ago

<p>All we need now is a Brinks Mat Warehouse to store it! Can anyone make a security truck or a vault? :)</p>