Comments by Knottypine

<p>Hmmm. Turns out this causes another issue making the mirrors transparent while on external view. :/</p>

<p>Ugh... can't write code here....<br /> replace brackets with the less than greater than... lol<br /> (mirrors)<br /> (mirror node="down_L_Mirror" prio="1" /)<br /> (mirror node="...

<p>FYI, this generates a warning: Character '9' not found in texture font ( in Bright White ).<br /> Very odd one, I believe redoing the colors will fix it as I got rid of this warning after my ...

<p>The flickering trees has nothing to do with mods, it's the shader cache. It will happen in vanilla. If you use nvidia, easy fix is to disable the shader cache.</p>

2 years ago

<p>Brand images are for the store only, which are displayed in a 2D environment. So just wondering: Why would you use mipmaps?</p>

<p>Here's the author info for this mod: FogZero Gaming-Convertor, HAJ Rebellion Modding-Original Modder, Elk Mountain Modding-Interior Items, Matt from Okay Wave-Seasons. And the interior assets s...