Comments by KoalaT

3 years ago

<p>Too bad those screenshots look like they are from LS15 and NOT LS19. It makes one skeptical about downloading the mod</p>

3 years ago

<p>Dommage que ces captures d'écran semblent provenir de LS15 et NON LS19. Cela rend sceptique le téléchargement du mod</p>

3 years ago

<p>They are not leaked, they are no broken (user is just stupid), nobody stole anything. These are available to the public straight off of WMF's website. I don't think is upset or even cares, espec...

3 years ago

<p>This is a prefab kit, not an in-game placeable. Please fix the title please.</p>

3 years ago

<p>Fucking retard if you thought that was snow....</p>

<p>This is some high tech shit. Hopefully someone can make a tutorial video or something on this.</p>