Comments by Lanalove

<p>@Shorty43 I made all those sheds from Michigan Map placeable, seasons ready, and with fully animated lights, hydro doors, and 6 different colors if you want to incorporate them into the map with...

<p>Works perfectly fine on my wild west 16x dedicated server </p>

<p>@SHORTY43 I feel you, I was so frustrated that nobody had made them placeable so I learned how to do it on my own.</p>

<p>Youre saying theres a shelf way out yonder away from the shed I mustve forgotten to delete it I will definitely add that to the to-do list for the next update I plan to release v21 soon with 2 m...

<p>yep youre right I just found it in GE forgot to delete that group of shelves from the map model I will fix that</p>

<p>The hydraulic door scale was mistakenly frozen. I will fix and reupload tomorrow.</p>