Comments by Portegies

<p>MEGA WIND TOWER TRAILER (OVERSIZE) V1.0<br><br>164.3 MB<br><br>!JJRwiCLZ!Se6wHeBPMZGZL8eBUN6w8pDwCdN3GTvMAnVNTkzbEyU</p>

<p>Too bad you don't see tree trunks or pipes if you have these loaded on the combination. Furthermore, it is a nice mod.</p>

<p>Side panels on the Scania Next Gen cannot be used if you have made a skin yourself. You will all see strange images taken elsewhere on the skin.</p>

<p>File is damaged, so cannot be changed to 1.38</p>

<p>Every day anxiously waiting for this mod.<br><br>My thanks are big, great mod is this.<br><br>gr. nportegies skins</p>

<p>Thank you Carlo !</p>