Comments by RITrucker

2 years ago

<p>Looks good! 'Bout to go give her a run!</p>

<p>Reupload of an old mod. Why? Why do this? Exactly what is the reason? What does it do? What does it give you outside of maybe a couple pennies? Useless.</p>

<p>Sadly, it throws so many errors, it freezes the game completely. This is a sad disappointment for something that was so looked forward to.</p>

2 years ago

<p>@Shit, I see you have commented on this part of the mod as well. Good Lord, you are a waste of oxygen, space, and time. Please take a rusty chainsaw, fire it up, and proceed to ram it up your as...

2 years ago

<p>@Shit Sir, or maddam, you are an absolute, complete, and undeniable moron. This mod is actually rather well made, and is a joy to operate. If you don't like it, much like your father with his pe...

2 years ago

<p>A. You didn't make shit. B. Fuck you, and fuck AJ Deere and all your little butt buddies. C. I hope every fucking modder turns private, you little pricks.</p>