Comments by Sixwheelin

3 years ago

<p>One of my all time favs!</p>

3 years ago

<p>Sir Alien Jim is the best!</p>

<p>I love this map!</p>

3 years ago

<p>Latest Let's Play with the NEW version of this awesome map is in the video tab! Thanks for a fun-filled map!</p>

<p>Hi Adub! It would be nice if you would post the mods to THIS site instead of running us through a garbage site like sharemods. It is a hack site and you guys are better than that man. Upload ...

<p>Well great idea with some less than stellar execution. Many defective landscaping areas and the cow barn is a game breaker. Giant field, 200 cows?! Doesn't make sense. Need at LEAST 500 cows...