Comments by manowar

<p>Ty for these.good to see more american fire trucks in game....well done<br></p>

3 years ago

<p>idk bout pc but on counsole.the bunkers still don't take grass.i use bunker mods that work fine.other then that I will always put this make in my all time top five going back to 13!!!!</p>

3 years ago

<p>idk which is the real name anymore.but he/she/it is very annoying.always negative.on every farming simulator to see this person mod better and @NAME its called a volkswagon vanagon ma...

3 years ago

<p>@ME.I believe all the stuff for mercer county thats out atm only works for that map</p>

3 years ago

<p>dammit console*<br></p>

3 years ago

<p>@all you haters....its not an all think you have the right answers and know everything.If you you guys can talk half the shit you say.put out some mods so we can see how good you are....