Comments by paulfair1962

<p>All of these varieties of this seeder, does not work when hiring the AI worker, when they reach the end of the field, THEY BACKUP AND KEEP BACKING UP ALL THE WAY TO WHERE THEY STARTED FROM... th...

2 years ago

<p>It does not change it to 0 on the first press.</p>

<p>I forgot to say that you can't get this mod, if there is no robot captcha to solve.</p>

<p>There is no robot captcha to solve on that page at all.</p>

<p>What happened to Calculate and add new field to list? This would be a lot more accurate.</p>

<p>I noticed that after you have downloaded the courseplay ver. 22, that right along with it, is a file called : "Undetermined download (you can't delete it- it is attached to the courseplay file)...