Comments by tunnelrat

3 years ago

<p>@Dmac If they're not completely filling pig troughs, it's due to the eat-weight factors in the code, that is fixed in the next update.</p>

3 years ago

<p>Make sure you open your settings file and set animalWorkerActive="true". Everything updates at 7 in the morning. *You have to load the game for the XML to be created unless you have one from a p...

3 years ago

<p>I'll make a note for the next update, thank you.</p>

3 years ago

<p>Making a note to add a key bind and help context.</p>

3 years ago

<p>First, make sure you have the mod loaded in your game (check the box next to Animal Worker V2_1). And that you removed the old version.</p><br /> <br /> <p>Next, check your log.</p><br /> <br />...

3 years ago

<p>@FarmSimGod, website just getting online at with email on it.</p>