BMW E34 Big Update With 50 Configs [PBR] v2.5


The Carrer Update!

with the participation of AdamPLG.


- Fixed every skin and materials (If you still have an issue, please try clear cache and report it below)

- improved (a little) rear bumper jbeam

- Body jbeam Improved

- most of config reworked with new parts + price and population updated


- 6 New configs: 525i Polizei, 525TDS Taxi, Early 518i, 518i, facelift 518i and 524TD.

- Animated Gear Sticks

- Now Full Openable (doors and trunk)

- Roof bar and cargo stuff

- m21 engine

AdamPLG Stuff:

- Standart and facelift hubcaps

- Unpainted front and rear bumper, standart and facelift mirrors

- Single exhaust cover

- Polizei light bar

- New polizei skin

- Taxi bar

- Analog clock

- 2 new steering wheel

- Facelift 518i lettering

- Clim vent textured

- Climless vent

- German 6 key OBD

- Full manual window

- m21 engine 3d model

- m40 and m43 engine from his E36

- Analog early instrument

- 240 and 260 kph 525i and up speedometer

If you have issue please clear your cache before complaining and if nothing change please notice down below.

Touring is in work, be patient.



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