La Campagne Deux-Sevriennes v1.1.0.0


Welcome to the two sèvres countryside map
european and french map

- modification of the terrain in the green farm
- addition of milk tank in the 2 farms
- add an openable barrier
- fix for mulching the cows at the red farm

it contains:
- 2 cow site (one with sheep and grain silo)
- 2 cow plot
- a can ready 30 fields and 23 plots of grass
- 2 plots for cows
- you start with all fields from the start of the game
- no base vehicle
- no more point of sale
- 1 dealer

this is my first reconversion, so I know that it has errors, I will do an update to correct the errors, if there are problems, say so, I will correct them, I hear all criticism but know that you, if you do not know how to do maps not criticize!
good games to you and good Game.


Le fermier du 80
Jerem modding
agri gersois

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