Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2019 ELW v1.0.0.0


Here you can see the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2019 as ELW.

- Animated doors via Interactive Control (IC)
- Horn on 'cover open' button
- Heckwarner via IC (only in connection with the DBS5000)
- Extendable and controllable light mast on button 'X' (switch on light with button 'B')
- Walk-in interior
- Passenger seats (Kubota DLC required)

Bumper configuration:
- plastic
- Body color / foil

Front blue light configuration:
- DBS3000
- DBS4000
- DBS5000
- 2 Comet S
- 2 Nova LEDs

Rear blue light configuration:
- DBS3000
- DBS4000
- DBS5000
- Comet S (middle)
- Comet S (Right)
- Nova LED (middle)
- Nova LED (Right)

Front flasher configuration:
- Without front flasher
- With front flasher

Intersection flasher configuration:
- Without crossing speed cameras
- With crossing speed camera



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Commented on 2022-12-24 21:06:22

Farai anche la versione "normale"/civile? Per favore? Per poterci caricare sacconi/bancali ecc? Per favore?

Will you also do the "normal"/civilian version? Please? To be able to load big bags / pallets etc? Please?

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