Mercedes Benz Sprinter 4x4 Gen 3 Enedis v1.0.0.0


Hi everyone! I am proud to present to you my first mod which is this Sprinter 4x4 Gen 3 equipped with Enedis! I have tried as much as possible to remain faithful to those used by the company IRL, in particular by restricting the latter to 90 km/h max, because in real life its weight once equipped with all the necessary equipment makes it fall into the heavyweight categories. Also, I tried to stay as faithful as possible on the various options and equipment used by this Sprinter.

- Features:
HP: 190 hp
vmax: 87 km/h
tank: 120 L
Weight: 3t3 (IRL 3t5 empty)

- Features
Single IC on all doors
Simple IC for Triflash (functional triflash)
Several different configurations in the shop!
I hope you like this little mod! If this is the case it is possible that I come out of other vehicles of this type! ;)
PS: This is a V1 of bugs and improvements will arrive on the possible next version: such as the correction of Warnings on the coupling or the addition of lighting on the functional LED bars. Thank you for your indulgence and patience.


MM Moding

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