Grandpa's KISS Interface (XVM) 9.1 v3


Prior to posting in comments:
Read the full description, your answer may already be here
Check out the KISS Forum especially if you are posting about the All-in-One (AIO) the forum is the most appropriate place for posting on the AIO and other Grandpa's mods
Read previously posted comments, answers to a lot of questions already there, read at least a couple of pages in

New version 9.1.2 for AIO, now with Mix and match. Check out the Battle Interface Web Post for more details. Important if you are upgrading from an earlier version of the Standard AIO
New Feature - Alternative Settings

To use Alternative Settings:
look in res_mods/xvm/configs/Alternative Settings folder
find the setting you wish to use
copy the files from the settings folder into res_mods/xvm/configs/arasgrandpa folder

Alternative Setting Options
Color Blind
Default OTM
EFF replace WN8
HitLog on Bottom
HitLog on Top
Icon and Tier in OTM
No HitLog
No minimap line
Old Style KISS OTM
Player Names in OTM
Tier Marker in OTM
Vehicle Icon in OTM


World of Tanks Version: 0.9.1
XVM Client Version: 5.3.2

Please read change log for instructions

To recreate the entire KISS Interface, follow these instructions or visit the KISS XVM Webspage and follow the instructions to get a FULL battle interface, including many of my other mods:


Download and install the the Standard All-In-One (AIO)
Download and install the latest version of the configuration and XVM client files from Curse NOTE: If you do not complete this part, you may not have the latest config files. I only post new AIO if there are MAJOR changes, not configration or XVM client updates.

Additional Mods for Complete Interface

These are additional mods not included in the KISS XVM download. They are developed and tested to work with KISS XVM and will further enhance your WoT interface.

Grandpa's Colored Messages After Battle
Grandpa's Visibility and Lighting Mod - improves lighting quality, removes bloom, and removes fog in most maps
Grandpa's Content Mod - enhances static content in game
Grandpa's Favorite Voice and Sound Mod
Gray Crash Skins
For Vehicle Icons, use KISS Style 1 Vehicle Icons or any other style from Curse.
For Battle Loading Screens, use Battle Loading Background Screens
For Custom Icons, use Ammo, Equipment, and Crew Icons

Recent Changes

Now includes ONLY the XVM configuration and current version files
In order to get the "lost" and "dead" vehicles to show and not clutter screen, you MUST install the XVMSymbol fonts. After you unzip the download, look in the res_mods directory, you will see a file XVMSymbol.ttf, right-click wih the mouse and choose Install from the menu
Changed OTM to simplier version
Changed player rating to WN8
Added Alternative Configurations in download
Cleaned up the configuration files, all files now in the res_mods/xvm/configs/arasgrandpa directory.


Download the archive (.zip)
Open the .zip file
Inside you will find the res_mods directory. The easy way is just to copy/move the res_mods directory from the .zip file to the World of Tanks main directory and say Yes to Copy and Replace all older files.
Inside the res_mods directory there is a directory /xvm. /xvm directory MUST be under the res_mods directory, NOT in the 0.8.x directory, or XVM will not be configured properly
In order to get the "lost" and "dead" vehicles to show and not clutter screen, you MUST install the XVMSymbol fonts. After you unzip the download, look in the res_mods directory, you will see a file XVMSymbol.ttf, right-click wih the mouse and choose Install from the menu

Please review the pictures to get a view of the interface at work.

The XVM config file is now located in the res_mods/xvm directory, the file is xvm.xc
Use only Notepad or a similar text editor to make changes to any configuration file.
Please use the Alternative Settings method above to change configruations

Battle Loading Screen Notes

Vehicle color depends on vehicle win rate
Global battles = total number of player battles
Global XVM Modification of the Win6 efficiency rating
Global win rating
Normal font for global stats, condensed font for vehicle stats

XVM Win8 Info

very bad (20% of players)
bad (better then 20% of players)
normal (better then 60% of players)
good (better then 90% of players)
very good (better then 99% of players)
unique (better then 99.9% of players)

Minimap Circle Colors

White=50m marker can see everything
Turquoise=tank visual range
Red=Max visual range (445m)
Green=Artillery top gun range (if full map range, no circle)

Minimap Line

White=tank direction
Red=camera or target line
Green=Gun traverse limits

Helpful Links

Res_mods directory breakdown
Grandpa's KISS Forum Area
Grandpa's Installing Mods

I make, modify, compile, these mods for my own personal in game use. They change the game interface to look like I want it to look. I place them here for others to download and use if they so desire.
They are NOT "one size fits all" and will not please everyone. If you like them use them, if not, delete them.
You are free to customize or modify any of them, its your interface make it like you want. But DO NOT ask me to customize them specifically for you, or ask for details on how to customize them. If you are familiar with mods and xml, you can probably figure it out. I will attempt to correct bugfixes in the mods, as soon as practical.


    91v3 minor updates, some small graphic changes, added revised Color Blind option
    91v2 updated to XVM 5.3.2-test1
    91 updated to Version 0.9.1, XVM Version 5.3.1-dev
    90v8 updated for 5.3.0 release client
    90v7 updated to XVM 5.3.0 test3
    90v6 updated to XVM 5.3.0 test1
    90v5 updated to XVM 5.2.1 test2 stable
    90v3 updated to XVM 5.2.1 test2
    90v2 Minimap circle fix
    90v1 updated icons
    90 updated for 0.9.;0
    811v6 updated to latest XVM 5.2.0-test1
    811v4 moved Hitlog slightly for better alignment, corrected colors for WN8
    811v3 added colors for all levels of WN8
    811 updated for 0.9.11 and XVM 5.1.0

* 810v6 Following Changes, please view screenshots..

    Cleaned up config files
    Added Alternative Settings
    Changed Player Rating to WN8
    Reformatted OTM, Players Panel, and Statistics



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